Sequotech is a group of specialized IT companies whose aim is to develop a strong market position in Switzerland and neighboring countries, both organically and through targeted acquisitions. The group's companies are dbi services, UDITIS , exxo it-services, avency and EVOK . Our group aims to create a community of multidisciplinary experts (consulting, infrastructure, Cloud, productivity solution, development, training and cybersecurity) and become the IT skills aggregator to lead our customers to success.
In the era of rapid technological advancements and increasing demand for efficient data management, automating the deployment of databases has become crucial for organizations seeking to enhance productivity and reduce operational complexities. This session aims to explore various methodologies and tools available for automating databases with Ansible Including the integration with Ansible Automation Platform, highlighting their advantages, use cases, and implementation strategies, based on my customer experiences.
DetailsEnterprises often face the challenge of fragmented data repositories across departments, leading to inefficiencies in access and collaboration. Discover how M-Files can be used as a central hub, seamlessly connecting disparate repositories like Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive or simple Network Folders.
DetailsTraditionally PostgreSQL stores relations in a format called " heap ". This comes with advantages, but also with drawbacks. One of the downsides is that every PostgreSQL DBA needs to deal with bloat at some point in time as updates generate new rows in PostgreSQL. Zheap promises to eliminate most of this bloat. In addition, it claims to be superior for certain kinds of workloads by introducing undo segments. In various demos, we will go through the architecture of zheap, highlight its advantages and then do some tests, thus comparing heap and zheap.
L’exploitation d’un Data Center implique de nombreux aspects (provisionnement des machines, installation du système d’exploitation, configuration du réseau, etc.). Sur la base d’un mandat réalisé chez un client, cette session présentera les principaux services AWS permettant d’exploiter un Data Center dans AWS Public Cloud. Vous découvrirez les différents outils utilisés pour provisionner des instances EC2 (IaaS) et RDS (PaaS) et comment utiliser AWS System Manager pour automatiser le patching de serveurs dans le Cloud ou « on premises ».
***English version available here:***
Aujourd’hui, les entreprises se concentrent pleinement sur leur digitalisation. La gestion de leurs données est donc devenue un véritable défi. La technologie de virtualisation des données de Microsoft vous permet de fédérer vos données sur Azure et AWS.